So it's been a while since I've visited Newgrounds, and it's been an even longer while since I submitted anything, so here's a quick update: EVERYTHING IS DEAD
Since my computer got stolen by chav bandits, I've lost all my recording equipment, Flash is gone, all the old episodes are gone, 7 brand new (and frankly awesome) episodes are lost forever, a full 20 minute episode, 3 hours of recordings, about 20 new scripts, templates, website files, everything vaguely related to Random Comic has gone. Forever.
So since then I haven't really done anything because not only do I not have flash, but I don't have the time and drive to bother starting everything from scratch again. Which is a shame because it was great fun, but I think it's best if I move on. I'm sure I'll be back one day when I'm less frustrated about losing everything. But until then, uh.. enjoy all the old stuff.
Wow, shit, that sucks :(
My hard drive crapped up, and I lost all my photos/projects/files/flashes a few days ago too...